Residents Seek to Preserve and Protect Green Space on Meadowbrook Road

Roskelly Property

Aerial photos of properties

Local developer William Roskelly agreed to sell his 14.7 acres of property to the City of Novi with funding for the acquisition to come from a grant through the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund. As part of the sale of his property, Mr. Roskelly generously agreed to a donation of a portion of the value of the property to assist the City meets its 25% local match requirement. Mr. Roskelly's property was appraised for over $1 million dollars. Mr. Roskelly's property had been approved by the City of Novi Planning Commission for a residential development. Mr. Roskelly agreed to postpone the development of his property while the city applied for the grant. Mr. Roskelly passed away before the property acquisition could be completed. Mr. Roskelly's family honored his agreement including the donation of a portion of the value of the property.

The Roskelly property includes:

Deer on Roskelly property

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